
A few years ago, I decided that I would tackle a goal that I wanted to accomplish every day for 100 days. So now I'm challenging you!

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AMAZE 2024 Reading Challenge: “The Readers’ Renaissance”

The "Literary Quest" for 2024, presented by Ruth Writes Co X AMAZE, offers a diverse reading challenge with 24 prompts and bonus challenges to expand readers' literary horizons. Participants earn points for completing prompts and can share their progress on social media. The challenge aims to reignite a love for reading and encourage exploration of different literary landscapes.

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Visualize yourself four months down the road, reflecting on your remarkable progress in 2023. I'm here as your motivator and accountability partner, helping you celebrate your achievements. Let's make this year count, hand in hand.

How the Planning Process in My New Writing Project Looks Right Now

BOOK REVIEW: Dear Insecurity by Crystal Daye

I’d recommend this book to anyone who really wants to be uncomfortable. If you have been ignoring that feeling or guilt and shame, especially relating to going back to the starting points of where your insecurities came from, this is the book that you need to soak in. I knew I would no longer be the same. I had to say “insecurity, bye”, and “purpose, hello”. I no longer had a safety blanket that kept me warm. I was exposed. Now how was I to know that God knew me like that and told someone to write about it in a book? What I really enjoyed about this book is that Crystal shared very vulnerable sides of her that are not only relatable, but makes you see that because she has overcome some things, and is still using her gifts to minister to others. If the last time you were uncomfortable was speaking on your class or you waved to someone who was waving to someone behind you, I’d recommend this book for you. We can’t really deny that there are days we just feel less than like in Math and just the thought of digging into your high school past or those times in your childhood where all your older family members brought up was how much you eat, you’ll need to he tools in this book to heal. I knew that I no longer wanted to compare myself to celebrities online or even my 16 year old body, I wanted to be a confident In who God says I am and what he thinks of me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️4 stars

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